Letter · 2025/01/18
Thank you for your excellent guide. We really enjoyed ourselves and learnt a lot of new things about Kyoto and culture. I will definitely tell my friends of your excellent services for their next trip to Kyoto . ** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for your tour. I hope you enjoyed my guide. All of you are very polite and friendly. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. You will go to Uji and Fushimi Inari Taisha tomorrow. If you need to ask me something, please feel free to let...
Letter · 2025/01/16
Maury and I have been looking for a way to convey our gratitude for your extraordinary tours of your extraordinary country. Perhaps the history of Central Park’s cherry trees can help us express that gratitude. Below is a quote from Sarah Cedar Miller’s book, Seeing Central Park. Sarah is Central Park’s historian and photographer emerita. How fitting her book’s title to thank you for your in-depth introduction to Japan. You helped us SEE Japan rather than just look at it. Maury and I...

Letter · 2025/01/09
Hello Nobu-san, So wonderful to hear from you. Thank you very much for your expert guiding for us today. We enjoyed our day with you very much! Your car is very comfortable! We are so happy to have you as our guide today. I shall certainly recommend you to my friends. Hopefully we can visit again in future and do an “off the beaten track” tour with you! All the very best and our good wishes to your wife and family from us! 😄 ** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used me for...
Letter · 2024/12/21
Yup,awesome,Nobu san, Everything goes great, because of you👍 ** **** * *** * *** We could visit all places on your booking file! I am sure they enjoyed the tour with me! I think this tour for two days is perfect. Best Regards, Nobuaki Nagata Tour course:Monkey Park, Togetsukyo Bridge, Kinkaku-ji Temple, 2-year-old slope, 3-year-old slope, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Nara Park

Story · 2024/12/11
嵐山岩田山。この山の中腹には嵐山モンキーパークがあり、園内入り口から約20分の山登り。 園内には自然の猿たち約120匹の生息圏で、仔猿たちも間近に見ることができます。 標高160mの場所にある休憩所からは、京都市内を一望できます。 特にこの時期の時雨の後は、大きな虹が天空の描かれます。 一方、お天気が良ければ京都タワーなども見ることはできます。...
Letter · 2024/12/07
Dear Nobu Thank you very much for guiding us these two days We all enjoyed the tour very much . You are very kind , helpful and considerate Hope to see you soon again in Kyoto . Regards ** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for having used for your tour again. All of you are very polite and friendly. I also enjoyed our tour a lot. Fortunately, we could visit all places on your list. Please give my best regards to your family. Best Regards, Nobuaki Nagata Tour course:Chishaku-in Temple,...

Story · 2024/12/05
今熊野観音寺。東山三十六峰の今熊野山麓に位置。泉涌寺の塔頭の一つで真言宗泉涌寺派、ご本尊は十一面観世音菩薩さま。 今熊野は古くより貴人の葬所の地で、また、平安時代には観音霊場として栄えた聖地。熊野権現出現の伝説地です。  頭痛、智恵授け、ぼけ封じ(認知症予防)の「頭の観音さん」として知られています。 また、“いとをかし”...
Story · 2024/12/05

Story · 2024/12/04
嵯峨・嵐山の大河内大河内山荘。 丹下左膳など昭和・時代劇の名優、大河内傳次郎が生涯をかけて心から愛し夢中で創り上げた名園。 東の嵐山、遠くは比叡山、西の保津峡を借景にした回遊式庭園で、春の桜と秋の紅葉で有名です。 当時は、高峰秀子・片岡千恵蔵・山田五十鈴・京マチ子といった面々たる朋友がこの山荘に招かれていたと云われています。...
Letter · 2024/12/04
Hi Mr. Nobu, Thank you so much for the incredible tour! Your knowledge of Japan's history brought the sites to life in a way we never could have imagined. We learned so much and will cherish these memories. Thank you, ** **** * *** * *** Thank you very much for your great review. I am pleased to hear that you and your family enjoyed my guide. We visited important places this time. Kyoto has many good off-the-beaten tracks. I hope I will be able to show you these places next time. Please give my...

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