【関西エリア お奨めのよきもの】 by Nobusan

Recommended goods & services in Kansai




Kyoto and Nara are the capital of Japan with a history of about 1200 years.

The skills of artisans cultivated in elegant culture and customs have been handed down as a Japanese tradition.

The item introduced here is one of the selected items recommended in Kansai eria by Nobusan’s Blog.

名 物 Local specialty

甘 物 Sweets

雑 貨 miscellaneous goods

お奨めのサイト・お食事処 my recommendations・dinning places

・Nobusan Blog site for Gift:Recommended gifts introduced on nobusan blog, However, Japanese site.

Nishijin Textile CenterMueume is on the third floor and free of charge. It is very interesting for you.

Konjaku NishimuraTextile shop but it doesn’t have English website, please ask a hotel staff where it is.

Misuya: Needle shop, It doesn’t have an English website.


Nobusan Blog site for Food:Recommended gifts introduced on nobusan blog, However, Japanese site.


 大徳寺塔頭大慈院 「精進鉄鉢料理(てっぱちりょうり)・泉仙

 妙心寺 御用達「精進料理・阿じろ

 東福寺塔頭天得院 「精進料理・矢尾治

 黄檗宗大本山万萬福寺 「普茶料理(ふちゃりょうり)

創作中華 一之船入:当時の面影を残す京町屋で味わう京風創作中華
