
Letter for Nobusan from NDL

Dear Mr Nagata, 


You have been faster than me to email. I wanted to write to express our gratitude to you for your time , sharing your experience and knowledge . This really added more enjoyment to our time in Kyoto. You have taken the very best care with us . 


I also understand now why you looked shocked that I had booked the Sword and Samurai museum. I thought it would be a fun activity for the boys at the end of the day, that it would just add to our learning . On arrival at the ‘museum’ , we fully understood your reaction . I hope we can politely say , it did not look like the website images . I now appreciate I had booked a very ‘touristic’ activity , that was maybe not ideal . 


We very very much appreciate you giving up your vacation to help us. I hope Mrs Nagata doesn’t mind too much ! I do feel quite guilty to make you work on your holiday and on such an incredibly hot day. I don’t know how you manage to do it . You could have stayed in the car, but you were with us every step explaining and giving the history . We learned so much from you. We now understand how much more we can learn. 


We enjoyed everything, we all agreed on our number 1 highlight , and that was the Shoden-ji Temple. To be alone , in the peace and quiet . It is a beautiful temple and garden and the landscape around just wonderful. This will be a very special and unique memory you have gifted us. 


I really enjoyed visiting the ceramics shop and meeting your friend Robert . I was surprised by how much the boys and Franck enjoyed that as well . I wish I had time to do a tour with you on my own , and do an art based tour. Hopefully one day I will return . Your knowledge and love of art is very evident. 


You have shown us great kindness, ensured we knew how to remain respectful. I’m still horrified I stepped onto the wrong platform with my shoe, thank you for noticing so quickly and correcting me. Your patience was endless, I must have exhausted you with all my questions but you did not show it at all. You are, as your nickname states, a Nobel man. 


I must now add another gratitude, we have just discovered the water bottle of one of the boys that you have returned. That is extremely kind of you . 


We can’t thank you enough. On a day with 40 degrees heat, we would not have seen a fraction of Kyoto without you. And we would never have discovered many of the places you took us. I hope you can enjoy some time in the shade today. 


Sincerely, I thank you on behalf of us all


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Thank you very much for having used me for your tour and the gratuity.

I hope you enjoyed my guide.


You and your family are very knowledgeable and polite.

I also enjoyed our tour a lot.


I found a black water bottle in my car when I am cleaning my car.

I will take it to your hotel and will ask a staff to keep it.


Thank you for your kind understanding.

Please give my best regards to your family.


Best Regards,

Nobuaki Nagata


Tour course Ryoanji-Temple, Kinkakuji-Temple, Shodenji-Temple, Robert Yellin Pottery Gallery, Nijo Castle, Gion